August 2024
/Nothing much too unexpected was observed bird-wise in August. However, this may have been more to do with finding time to spend out in the field is becoming increasingly difficult at present. A Caspian Gull was present on L’Eree beach mid-month and was one of two birds on the island that was colour-ringed from the same colony in Czechia this spring. A Great Crested Grebe at the Reservoir was one of the few I’ve seen here in breeding plumage. I did try a wee seawatch on 24th August but a Sooty Shearwater and a Storm Petrel was all that was noted. August can be quite busy here but it just never happened this year.
Caspian Gull - L’Eree, 15 Aug 24
Caspian Gull - L’Eree, 15 Aug 24
Great Crested Grebe - Reservoir, 17 Aug 24
Gannet - Chouet, 8 Aug 24 - I had visions of a booby when I came round the corner and saw this hauled up on the rocks, but alas…
Gannet - Chouet, 8 Aug 24
The garden moth trap had some great nights during August, a time of year when I have total flexibility when I can put it out and only do so on the best of conditions. A new micro was seen on 11th - Teleiopsis diffinis - a small brown critter which I didn’t even take a picture of. Conditions were poor mid-month but a warm spell later on threw up some great species. On 26th I had a Musotima nitidalis (Australian Fern Moth) which has only just colonised the island after raging through the UK in the last few years.
Golden Fern Moth (musotima nitidalis) - garden, 26 Aug 24
Frosted Orange - garden, 26 Aug 24
The next night on 27th was even better and quite a few belters was hauled out of the trap amongst the thousands of ants. A Garden Tiger was the first I have seen for 19 years. It was a touch of a shabby one but what a beast! It used to be more common in Guernsey but is really rare nowadays. A species that seems to be being seen a little more often here though is Golden Twin-spot and a superb shiny gold one was present - a lifer for me. Other good species that night were Latticed Heath, Engrailed, Coleophora salicorniae and an Ant-lion, only my 4th of these and first for a few years.
Garden Tiger - garden, 27 Aug 24
Golden Twin-spot - garden, 27 Aug 24
Ant lion - garden, 27 Aug 24
With the warm weather and time to spend at the microscope, I managed to find plenty of new species for the pan-species list which brought me above 3100 for the UK and above 2600 for Guernsey. Some interesting new things are shown below.
Ero aphana - garden, 5 Aug 24 - I don’t idenify many spiders but this one with its 4 bumps on the back was quite straightforward
Syagrius intrudens - Garenne, 7 Aug 24 - an odd species, and an introduction from australia, few records for Guernsey
Presumed Dexiosoma caninum - Garenne, 7 Aug 24 - not a new species but a few of these were “lekking” or so it appeared over a few bramble leaves
Mottled Shieldbug - Icart, 27 Aug 24 - another of the recently-arrived shieldbug species to the island - a new species for me.
Arhopalus rusticus - GROW, Aug 24 - found just resting on the wall in the car park, we don’t seem to have many longhorn species here.
Guernsey Fleabane (left) and Bilbao Fleabane (Right) flower heaDS - I had always presumed that more or less all the fleabanes here were Guernsey Fleabane but when I made a concerted effort to find Bilbao Fleabane I saw that that species was far more common. The differences in shape and hairiness of the flower head are clear through the lens but they don’t look at all different otherwise.
Some pics from the German Underground Hospital where I was taken on my birthday - in all these years in Guernsey, I had never visited before.