March 2024
/I found it a real struggle to find time to get out in the field during March and it was probably my month with fewest recorded sightings for many years. The only one which made it into the database was an early Wheatear at Pulias on 8th, one of the earliest I have ever seen. Of course, if everyone else had been reporting lots of birds then I would have had the enthusiasm to drag myself out a bit more but it was quiet all round. Only small numbers of migrants were reported and I didn’t even record a Sand Martin all month.
Wheatear - Pulias, 8 Mar 24
A few interesting insects were recorded. The moth trap was out once on 24th when a spring-brood Spiny Hook-tip being the most notable of the paltry ensemble. A good sighting was an adult Bankesia conspurcatella which I disturbed from the front door on 25th when I brought in the milk. The larval cases are not uncommon around the garden but I have only seen a flying adult once before I think. It was quite distinctive with its mottled brown and grey forewings. On a sunny day at La Garenne I picked up my first Guernsey Dark-edged Bee Fly supping the nectar from the willow catkins. This species seems to be colonising the island after previously being very rare here.
Bankesia conspurcatella - garden, 26 Mar 24 (it’s not dead just resting on its side for some reason!)
Dark-edged Bee-fly - La Garenne, 24 Mar 24
Rock Goby - Grandes ROcques, 11 Mar 24 - caught by hand by a pupil during our school rockpool ramble over spring tide
Ormer - Grandes ROcques, 11 Mar 24
Common Brittlestar - Grandes ROcques, 11 Mar 24
Wall Screw Moss - garden, 3 Mar 24