April 2021 pt ii
/The last part of April seemed to consist of constant north-easterlies and clear skies so, not surprisingly, it didn’t throw up any surprises. Ideally what is need is changeable conditions and plenty of April showers which appear to be extinct nowadays. A short family visit to Pleinmont on 24th saw a few migrants of interest, the best being a showy female Ring Ouzel on the cliff path pretending to be a Blackbird. It’s a pity I couldn’t double round to the other side of it to get quality pics.
Whitethroat - Pleinmont, 24 Apr 21
Ring Ouzel - Pleinmont, 24 Apr 21
Ring Ouzel - Pleinmont, 24 Apr 21
During the next week I managed to note quite a few nice migrants despite being back at work. The best day was 28th when I had female Redstarts both at Pulias early morning and on Grand Mare golf course in the afternoon. A few Yellow Wagtails and Whimbrels were seen and a group of 3 Common Sandpipers fed on the seaweed at Pulias on 29th. Buzzards and Ravens entertained me during lunch duty and a group of 9 of the latter circled overhead on 28th.
One morning before work the tide was high and, unusually, the bird-scarers had not been out before me. So the waders were just below the wall by the car park, and I managed to be careful and not spook them and managed some really nice shots by poking my head over the wall.
Sanderling - Vazon, 27 Apr 21
Sanderling - Vazon, 27 Apr 21
Dunlin - Vazon, 27 Apr 21
Dunlin - Vazon, 27 Apr 21
RINGED PLOVER - Vazon, 27 Apr 21
Reed Warbler - Rue des Bergers, 28 Apr 21
Green Tiger Beetle - Lihou Headland, 19 Apr 21